Nobody's perfect but you were so close
чужая простыня фанона на 4 басаруbut I can’t help speculating about wtf even happens after aniki’s drama route in 4 (this is long as shitballs and has spoilers for Motochika and Ieyasu’s sb4 drama routes)
SO LIKE? in 3 he scoops Mitsunari and it’s all very well and good. WELL I MEAN it’s actually a little bit awful bc it happens bc Mitsunari feels suddenly horribly betrayed by Gyobu’s…Gyobu and rejects him. and also pretty much comes with Motochika shanking Mitsun’s like only remaining friend before becoming a new one and taking him in which uh. yeah. well maybe he just beat him up it’s Basara you never know
but it’s legit in the sense that Mitsunari has approved this scooping, as much as Mitsunari approves anything—he’s offered him his life, this is what he choses to do with it, it’s all very confusing and out of order but ok? who is he to question it? Mitsunari doesn’t know informed consent if it bites him in the butt but this is pretty close at least even if it means. pirates. and other highly irregular things. and it gives Motochika the in that he’s more-or-less Mitsunari’s lord and thus can do what he wants with him
buuuut in 4 the whole Gyobu-and-Mori plot didn’t happen and Mitsunari has not actually in any way shape or form—unless I missed something, lol informal living-room translations—acknowledged Motochika as his lord or considered himself in debt to him or accepted this scooping as valid in any way. he’s been KIDNAPPED. UNJUSTLY REMOVED FROM THE BATTLEFIELD WHERE HE MUST RIGHTFULLY TAKE REVENGE OR DIE TRYING!!! jfc aniki’s going to have his work cut out for him. saying that taking him in is to save his life means nothing, Mitsunari barely knows what his life is and it’s totally forfeit if he fails to avenge his lord’s killer anyway. he’ll probably have to tie him down just so the doctors can treat him because Mitsunari
on the upside Gyobu and Sakon tag along. bc it’s a freaking package deal you can’t carry one injured rabid weasel back to your ship without these guys showing up. and they’ll probably be pretty invaluable with the whole NO MITSUNARI YOU SHOULD UH PROBABLY STAY HERE. FOR NOW AT LEAST? IT’S A PLAN?? Sakon at least gets along swimmingly with the pirates and Motochika bc he is chill and can literally get along with pretty much anyone, but he’s also kind of worried that this is too soon and the wrong way and the wrong dude to replace Mitsunari’s serving-this-guy-keeps-me-alive construct because hell
Sakon knows from serving-this-guy-keeps-me-alive constructs
doesn’t he
and he’s just sort of quietly trying to nudge Mitsunari in helpful directions because he’s also the single most emotionally functional Toyotomi and is several steps ahead of Mitsun in actual living through that construct and not being 100% dependent upon the target of it at all times, but Mitsunari is hard to nudge and the whole Ieyasu business just makes everything 200% more complicated and 200% worse
meanwhile Gyobu is. Gyobu. those poor pirates. creepily reading Motochika the riot act and taking great joy in describing the swamps of misery he’ll suck him into if he hurts Mitsunari and implying in every conceivable way that he’s a selfish meddler who has no idea what he’s doing and totally not. secretly grateful. or anything. only he’s still Gyobu and if this was an actual fic he’d totally wind up caught up in some weird shit with Mori which becomes way screwier than in 3 because of the current actual Motochika trying to take care of Mitsunari thing and I am pretty sure Gyobu legit can’t decide whether this makes him want to kill the guy or hug him just pus in his tea, why does he have too many feelings about Mitsunari. but gosh, getting Motochika to kill Ieyasu would be like perfect right now??
Mitsunari can help, it’ll be a bonding experience, it’ll be good for him and bad for Motochika and terrible for Ieyasu all at the same time, it’s like a perfect distribution of misery
AND THEN THERE’S IEYASU WHO CAN’T QUIT STICKING HIS NOSE IN AND CAUSING EXPLOSIONS EVERY TIME MOTOCHIKA THOUGHT HE HAD THE RABID WEASEL SETTLED IN JFC partially because. he is Ieyasu. and is going to be all but?? bro?? we still have bond yes?? bond?? and also has this THING with Mitsunari that he doesn’t fully understand even though he thinks he does and really can’t leave well enough alone
and one of the things I fucking love about this whole situation
is that this is the ideal circumstance for Motochika—lovingly, still ultimately being his friend—to call Ieyasu on his bullshit?
LIKE. this is something that really rather desperately needs doing like 50% of the time before Hideyoshi’s death and 90% of the time afterwards, because Ieyasu is capable of being less of a shitbaby I am pretty sure, I like to think he’s got his heart more-or-less in the right place deep down he just gets really caught up in complicated circumstances, and making things even more complicated, and taking care of Mitsunari in a really twisted-up way based around thinking deathmatches are the only way to do so, and Taking The Burden Of Terrible Things Upon Himself While Convincing Himself Everything’s OK, and other dumb Ieyasu hobbies. but there is really nobody who whacks him upside the head at the right times that I know of? except maybe Magoichi sometimes, but Magoichilife is being surrounded by dumb kids who don’t listen to her. and most of the time Motochika just rolls with it because he’s his bro and he mostly sees Ieyasu’s better side anyway, day to day, just bc of their own relationship
but seeing how shit went down with Mitsunari and how Ieyasu goes around causing emotional disasters for him because he’s convinced there’s no better way is going to. I’m not gonna say open his eye really, though maybe, but mostly. refocus him? on some of the ways in which Ieyasu is fucked up and could use either a whack upside the head or. some help in his glorious “decision-making” that isn’t a gundam that communicates entirely in punctuation, because I think one of Ieyasu’s problems is that for all he’s bondsbondsbonds, he’s convinced he needs to go it alone when it comes to his own path and decision-making, and takes no counsel, and that’s really bad for him because he doesn’t have much common sense
(because who in Basara does except for Magoichi and Kojuro)
and it’s not like Motochika has common sense about his own life and choices (redddd routeeee still upset) but he’s sort of sometimes capable of having it about other people in this odd Motochika sort of way which mostly shows itself in Mitsunari-scooping and being one of the most actually decent people in Basara, and seeing as he’s also one of Ieyasu’s closer friends he could probably offer him a lot in that department, assuming he could get him to listen
which might involve putting him in a net and screaming at him
Motochika’s drama route is really, really compatible with Ieyasu’s drama route
I’m just saying
which means Ieyasu is like 300% more shitbaby and 300% more close-minded because he’s gotten himself into this ridiculous business of claiming credit for Hideyoshi’s death and making Mitsunari hate him to give him something to live for
at any rate, aniki can handle it I BELIEVE IN HIM. this is like super-hard-mode shoosh-Mitsunari-and-moirail-Ieyasu-and-reintroduce-the-hissy-kitties compared to various other continuities, and he’s going to question himself a lot probably, but he’s also got helpers. well ok Gyobu is only 50% a helper. (I could see Sakon actually getting invested in sorting things out with Ieyasu after a bit to realign himself, like ok Mitsunari-sama has a lot of feelings about this guy let’s try to detangle this before somebody dies—not acceptable for it to be Mitsunari, has his suspicions that Mitsunari couldn’t actually handle killing Ieyasu, Sakon’s one of the more people-savvy folks in this tangle. not that that says much when a tangle includes Ieyasu and Mitsunari but still)
but there’s going to be that moment when Mitsunari gradually grudgingly bewilderingly realizes that he’s not. completely miserable and enraged every second to be here?? and then aniki is going to be like. high as a kite and draping on him and building a whole new death carriage inspired thing JUST FOR HIM. how about a DEATH BOAT?? .D .D .D
also there is probably going to be that moment when Mitsunari realizes that not only Gyobu but Sakon are still at his side even when everything else that was once the Toyotomi has fallen apart and actually has an official feeling about Sakon’s loyalty, I am pretty invested in that moment ok, Sakon deserves it
it will be painful and terrible and contain like a million bad feelings but it will work. eventually
(if this was just straight-up fic-plot speculation, Gyobu would eventually like. double-cross Mori after having an unexpected conversation with Motochika about Mitsunari’s moe and having second thoughts, and Sakon would weasel the truth out of Ieyasu about Matsunaga, and then probably a lot of terrible things and screaming would happen because Mitsunari would have to deal with Ieyasu LYING TO HIM!! and Gyobu PLOTTING TREACHERY!! but eventually they’d work it out and all go shank Matsunaga together it’d be great, possibly with a side trip for Mori if things got really bad there)
(why can’t I just magically write everything that comes across my brain)
….I totally lost the point of this ramble but really entirely the point was that I’m endlessly curious and amused about the possibility here, I love how all the different Basara endings each spin their own little universes, and playing with combining them is totally fun
also gotta say the Motochika/Sakon/Mitsunari threesome once Mitsun finally slid around to acknowledging aniki as his current Large And In Charge would be hella hot, a little awkward to get going but I think Motochika could roll Sakon’s eagerness into teaming up on Mitsunari to blow his brain readily enough. (honestly if any combination of those happened beforehand it’d probably be Chika and Sakon, I doubt it would take too much doing once they got comfortable with each other’s general existence really)
not to mention my huge weakness for Motochika taking his mediation between Ieyasu and Mitsunari between the sheets
I mean
fuck yeah
SO LIKE? in 3 he scoops Mitsunari and it’s all very well and good. WELL I MEAN it’s actually a little bit awful bc it happens bc Mitsunari feels suddenly horribly betrayed by Gyobu’s…Gyobu and rejects him. and also pretty much comes with Motochika shanking Mitsun’s like only remaining friend before becoming a new one and taking him in which uh. yeah. well maybe he just beat him up it’s Basara you never know
but it’s legit in the sense that Mitsunari has approved this scooping, as much as Mitsunari approves anything—he’s offered him his life, this is what he choses to do with it, it’s all very confusing and out of order but ok? who is he to question it? Mitsunari doesn’t know informed consent if it bites him in the butt but this is pretty close at least even if it means. pirates. and other highly irregular things. and it gives Motochika the in that he’s more-or-less Mitsunari’s lord and thus can do what he wants with him
buuuut in 4 the whole Gyobu-and-Mori plot didn’t happen and Mitsunari has not actually in any way shape or form—unless I missed something, lol informal living-room translations—acknowledged Motochika as his lord or considered himself in debt to him or accepted this scooping as valid in any way. he’s been KIDNAPPED. UNJUSTLY REMOVED FROM THE BATTLEFIELD WHERE HE MUST RIGHTFULLY TAKE REVENGE OR DIE TRYING!!! jfc aniki’s going to have his work cut out for him. saying that taking him in is to save his life means nothing, Mitsunari barely knows what his life is and it’s totally forfeit if he fails to avenge his lord’s killer anyway. he’ll probably have to tie him down just so the doctors can treat him because Mitsunari
on the upside Gyobu and Sakon tag along. bc it’s a freaking package deal you can’t carry one injured rabid weasel back to your ship without these guys showing up. and they’ll probably be pretty invaluable with the whole NO MITSUNARI YOU SHOULD UH PROBABLY STAY HERE. FOR NOW AT LEAST? IT’S A PLAN?? Sakon at least gets along swimmingly with the pirates and Motochika bc he is chill and can literally get along with pretty much anyone, but he’s also kind of worried that this is too soon and the wrong way and the wrong dude to replace Mitsunari’s serving-this-guy-keeps-me-alive construct because hell
Sakon knows from serving-this-guy-keeps-me-alive constructs
doesn’t he
and he’s just sort of quietly trying to nudge Mitsunari in helpful directions because he’s also the single most emotionally functional Toyotomi and is several steps ahead of Mitsun in actual living through that construct and not being 100% dependent upon the target of it at all times, but Mitsunari is hard to nudge and the whole Ieyasu business just makes everything 200% more complicated and 200% worse
meanwhile Gyobu is. Gyobu. those poor pirates. creepily reading Motochika the riot act and taking great joy in describing the swamps of misery he’ll suck him into if he hurts Mitsunari and implying in every conceivable way that he’s a selfish meddler who has no idea what he’s doing and totally not. secretly grateful. or anything. only he’s still Gyobu and if this was an actual fic he’d totally wind up caught up in some weird shit with Mori which becomes way screwier than in 3 because of the current actual Motochika trying to take care of Mitsunari thing and I am pretty sure Gyobu legit can’t decide whether this makes him want to kill the guy or hug him just pus in his tea, why does he have too many feelings about Mitsunari. but gosh, getting Motochika to kill Ieyasu would be like perfect right now??

AND THEN THERE’S IEYASU WHO CAN’T QUIT STICKING HIS NOSE IN AND CAUSING EXPLOSIONS EVERY TIME MOTOCHIKA THOUGHT HE HAD THE RABID WEASEL SETTLED IN JFC partially because. he is Ieyasu. and is going to be all but?? bro?? we still have bond yes?? bond?? and also has this THING with Mitsunari that he doesn’t fully understand even though he thinks he does and really can’t leave well enough alone
and one of the things I fucking love about this whole situation
is that this is the ideal circumstance for Motochika—lovingly, still ultimately being his friend—to call Ieyasu on his bullshit?
LIKE. this is something that really rather desperately needs doing like 50% of the time before Hideyoshi’s death and 90% of the time afterwards, because Ieyasu is capable of being less of a shitbaby I am pretty sure, I like to think he’s got his heart more-or-less in the right place deep down he just gets really caught up in complicated circumstances, and making things even more complicated, and taking care of Mitsunari in a really twisted-up way based around thinking deathmatches are the only way to do so, and Taking The Burden Of Terrible Things Upon Himself While Convincing Himself Everything’s OK, and other dumb Ieyasu hobbies. but there is really nobody who whacks him upside the head at the right times that I know of? except maybe Magoichi sometimes, but Magoichilife is being surrounded by dumb kids who don’t listen to her. and most of the time Motochika just rolls with it because he’s his bro and he mostly sees Ieyasu’s better side anyway, day to day, just bc of their own relationship
but seeing how shit went down with Mitsunari and how Ieyasu goes around causing emotional disasters for him because he’s convinced there’s no better way is going to. I’m not gonna say open his eye really, though maybe, but mostly. refocus him? on some of the ways in which Ieyasu is fucked up and could use either a whack upside the head or. some help in his glorious “decision-making” that isn’t a gundam that communicates entirely in punctuation, because I think one of Ieyasu’s problems is that for all he’s bondsbondsbonds, he’s convinced he needs to go it alone when it comes to his own path and decision-making, and takes no counsel, and that’s really bad for him because he doesn’t have much common sense
(because who in Basara does except for Magoichi and Kojuro)
and it’s not like Motochika has common sense about his own life and choices (redddd routeeee still upset) but he’s sort of sometimes capable of having it about other people in this odd Motochika sort of way which mostly shows itself in Mitsunari-scooping and being one of the most actually decent people in Basara, and seeing as he’s also one of Ieyasu’s closer friends he could probably offer him a lot in that department, assuming he could get him to listen
which might involve putting him in a net and screaming at him
Motochika’s drama route is really, really compatible with Ieyasu’s drama route
I’m just saying
which means Ieyasu is like 300% more shitbaby and 300% more close-minded because he’s gotten himself into this ridiculous business of claiming credit for Hideyoshi’s death and making Mitsunari hate him to give him something to live for
at any rate, aniki can handle it I BELIEVE IN HIM. this is like super-hard-mode shoosh-Mitsunari-and-moirail-Ieyasu-and-reintroduce-the-hissy-kitties compared to various other continuities, and he’s going to question himself a lot probably, but he’s also got helpers. well ok Gyobu is only 50% a helper. (I could see Sakon actually getting invested in sorting things out with Ieyasu after a bit to realign himself, like ok Mitsunari-sama has a lot of feelings about this guy let’s try to detangle this before somebody dies—not acceptable for it to be Mitsunari, has his suspicions that Mitsunari couldn’t actually handle killing Ieyasu, Sakon’s one of the more people-savvy folks in this tangle. not that that says much when a tangle includes Ieyasu and Mitsunari but still)
but there’s going to be that moment when Mitsunari gradually grudgingly bewilderingly realizes that he’s not. completely miserable and enraged every second to be here?? and then aniki is going to be like. high as a kite and draping on him and building a whole new death carriage inspired thing JUST FOR HIM. how about a DEATH BOAT?? .D .D .D
also there is probably going to be that moment when Mitsunari realizes that not only Gyobu but Sakon are still at his side even when everything else that was once the Toyotomi has fallen apart and actually has an official feeling about Sakon’s loyalty, I am pretty invested in that moment ok, Sakon deserves it
it will be painful and terrible and contain like a million bad feelings but it will work. eventually
(if this was just straight-up fic-plot speculation, Gyobu would eventually like. double-cross Mori after having an unexpected conversation with Motochika about Mitsunari’s moe and having second thoughts, and Sakon would weasel the truth out of Ieyasu about Matsunaga, and then probably a lot of terrible things and screaming would happen because Mitsunari would have to deal with Ieyasu LYING TO HIM!! and Gyobu PLOTTING TREACHERY!! but eventually they’d work it out and all go shank Matsunaga together it’d be great, possibly with a side trip for Mori if things got really bad there)
(why can’t I just magically write everything that comes across my brain)
….I totally lost the point of this ramble but really entirely the point was that I’m endlessly curious and amused about the possibility here, I love how all the different Basara endings each spin their own little universes, and playing with combining them is totally fun
also gotta say the Motochika/Sakon/Mitsunari threesome once Mitsun finally slid around to acknowledging aniki as his current Large And In Charge would be hella hot, a little awkward to get going but I think Motochika could roll Sakon’s eagerness into teaming up on Mitsunari to blow his brain readily enough. (honestly if any combination of those happened beforehand it’d probably be Chika and Sakon, I doubt it would take too much doing once they got comfortable with each other’s general existence really)
not to mention my huge weakness for Motochika taking his mediation between Ieyasu and Mitsunari between the sheets
I mean
fuck yeah
@темы: Sengoku Basara
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